Nutreints are the basic requirements of the person but how much one should consume it is decided by the organizations which work under the government. These organizations make study over the person taking each and every situation, to find out how much a person take minerals and vitamin on daily basis. This is called RDA( Recommend Daily Allowances) which is decided by the ESPEN, FSSAI and ICMR.
It is a European Society of Parentreal and Entreal Nutrition. This organization provide and make the guidlines of consumption of vitamins, minerals and proteins to the patients.
The aim of this organization to provide basic information to the patient about their RDA.
It is a Food Safety and Security Authority of India which gives the guidlines of consumption of vitamins, minerals and proteins to the healthy person.
It is a Indian Council Of Medical Research which gives the guidlines fir the consumption of vitamins , minerals and proteins to the nutrient deficent person.
For the RDA limit given by the FSSAI and ICMR see the post on this blog ''RDA limit as per FSSAI and ICMR''
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