Bacterial Transformation (Bacteria are Evolving Like viruses)-recall of Transforming Principle
In recent decades more studies were conducted to study the Bacteria and viruses, how they wor…
In recent decades more studies were conducted to study the Bacteria and viruses, how they wor…
Now a days it is being focused on the functionality and the speciality of genes to use them as…
Venom and poison both are similar words but biologically they are different. Many people thin…
Lymphocytes are the White Blood Cells also called as Leukocytes. Which comprises of Natural …
Cathelicidins, a group of peptides having 100 amino acid domains that is habitually proteolyti…
Defensins are small cysteinerich cationic proteins found in both vertebrates and invertebrates…
Researchers from The Rockefeller University have discovered a new class of antibiotics capable…
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has given its pre-qualification to Typbar Typhoid Conju…
Vaccination is playing most important role in medical biology. Millions of lives are saved eve…
ROTAVAC is a new rotavirus vaccine that consists of a strain of the virus that was isolated, m…
Variolation is also called engrafting was introduced in England in 1721, in which dried pus wa…
Edible vaccines are nothing but transgenic plant and animal based production of or those tha…
How Does An Edible Vaccine Work? The basic principle of working of all vaccines include that t…