Venom or Poison |

Venom and poison both are similar words but biologically they  are different. Many people thinks about venom and poison same thing here are the difference between them :


It is a natural poison secreted by reptiles and some other creatures. Venom is poisonous when it is injected in bloodstream only it never harm when eaten or drink through mouth. Venom is less harmful than artificial poisons and its effects and symptoms are slow to increase. Venom contains several enzymes or enzyme blocking parts which when comes in contact with blood stops the functionality of blood.
However some snakes have very dangerous venom like cobra and other related species but they can also be cured there anti-venoms have been developed. However survival rate is quite low because the patient can't be taken hospital within an hour. 


It may be artificial or natural but in most of dangerous poison they are artificially made. They are much more toxic than venoms.  Their effect is too quick and fast. Some poisons are too much dangerous that they kill eventually when come contact with the person's inner part. Poison is harmful in both cases when comes in contact with bloodstream or in mouth.  Poison is designed to work on the metabolic pathways. Metabolic activities occur in every part of human body so wherever it will present start affecting.

Remember a person can be saved when he/she is infected with venom, by poison still hard to save. 


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