Biotechnology mainly deals with industrial-scale production
of biopharmaceuticals and biologicals using genetically
modified microbes, fungi, plants and animals, its applications
• Therapeutics
• Diagnostics
• Genetically modified crops for agriculture
• Processed food
• Bioremediation
• Waste water treatment and
• Energy production
Three critical research areas of biotechnology are:
(i) Providing the best catalyst in the form of improved
organism usually a microbe or pure enzyme.
(ii) Creating optimal conditions through engineering for a
catalyst to act, and
(iii) Downstream processing technologies to purify the
protein/organic compound.
Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture
Food production can be increased by:
(i) Agro-chemical based agriculture
(ii) Organic agriculture
(iii) Genetically engineered crop based agriculture
Genetically Modified Organisms: organisms like bacteria,
fungi, plants and animals whose genes have been altered by
manipulation is called genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Genetic modification made plants and crops:
• More resistant to abiotic factors
• Reduced the use of chemical-based fertilisers
• Increased nutritional value of food. E.g. golden rice, i.e.,
Vitamin ‘A’ enriched rice
• helped to reduce post harvest losses.
• increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
• Additionaly, GM has been used to create tailor-made
plants to supply alternative resources to industries, in
the form of starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.
Application of Biotechnology in the production of Pest-resistant plants
Pest-resistant plants reduce the need for insecticides. Bacillus
thuringiensis is a bacterium that produces Bt toxin. The Bt
toxin gene was cloned from bacteria and produced in plants
to give insect resistance without the use of pesticides, thereby
creating a bio-pesticide.
Bt cotton, Bt corn, rice, tomato, potato, and soyabean are
a few examples.
Bt Cotton-An overview: Bacillus thuringiensis produces
proteins that kill insects such as lepidopterans,
coleopterans (beetles), and dipterans (flies,
B. thuringiensis generates crystals containing a poisonous
insecticidal protein. This toxic protein exists in bacteria as
inactive protoxins, but when an insect consumes the inactive
form due to the alkaline pH of the gut, it converts into an
active form of toxin and binds to the surface of midgut
epithelial cells, creating pores that cause cell swelling and
lysis, and eventually death of the insect.
The Bt. thuringiensis gene has been introduced into a variety
of agricultural species, including cotton, maize, and rice. The
toxin is encoded by the cry gene. Cotton bollworms are
controlled by the protein coded by the genes crylAb and
cryIIAb, while corn borer is controlled by cryIAb.
Pest Resistant Plants
Meloidegyne incognitia, a nematode, infects the roots of
tobacco plants and reduces output. The method of RNA
interference can be used to prevent the invasion of these
worms (RNAi). RNAi is found in all eukaryotic creatures and
serves as a cellular defence mechanism by silencing certain
mRNA molecules via complementary dsRNA molecules that
bind to and impede mRNA translation.
The source of complementary dsRNA may be from an
infection by viruses having RNA genomes or mobile genetic
elements (transposons) that replicate through RNA
Nematode-specific genes were introduced into host plant
using Agrobacterium vectors. The parasite could not survive
in a transgenic host expressing specific interfering RNA.
Application of Biotechnology in Medicine
The rDNA technology procedures have had a huge influence
on healthcare by allowing for the mass manufacturing of safer
and more effective medicinal medications. Currently, over
30 recombinant medicines have been authorised for
human use worldwide. In India, 12 of these are currently
on the market.
Genetically Engineered Insulin: An overview
Adult-onset diabetes can be managed by using insulin at
regular intervals. The extraction of insulin from animals was
the primary source of this insulin. Insulin may now be
produced from bacteria utilising biotechnology processes.
Previously, insulin was extracted from the pancreas of
slaughtered cattle and pigs, but insulin derived from these
sources causes allergy or other sorts of responses to the
foreign protein.
Insulin is made up of two short polypeptide chains, A and B,
that are joined together by disulphide bridges.
In humans, insulin is synthesised as a prohormone that has
an additional stretch known as C-peptide that is missing in
mature insulin.
The biggest problem in producing insulin with the rDNA
approach was assembling insulin into a mature state.
In 1983, an American corporation, Eli Lilly, synthesised two
DNA sequences matching to the A and B chains of human
insulin and put them into E.coli plasmids to create insulin
chain. Chain A and Chain B were created independently,
extracted and then combined to make human insulin by
forming disulphide linkages.
Gene Therapy: It is a collection of methods for correcting a
gene abnormality that has been identified in a kid or embryo.
In the case of a hereditary illness, this procedure is used. Here
genes are inserted into a person’s cells and tissues to treat a
disease. Correction of a genetic defect involves delivery of a
normal gene into the individual or embryo to take over the
function of and compensate for the non-functional gene.
The first clinical gene therapy was performed on a four-year-old child with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency in
1990. This condition is caused by the loss of the adenosine
deaminase gene, which is required for the immune system to
operate. The disorder is caused due to the deletion of the gene
for adenosine deaminase. In some children ADA deficiency
can be cured by bone marrow transplantation; in others it can
be treated by enzyme replacement therapy, in which
functional ADA is given to the patient by injection. This
method is not completely curative hence, lymphocytes from
the patient's blood are cultured in culture media outside the
body then the lymphocytes are implanted with functioning
ADA cDNA and returned to the patient. In this procedure,
such genetically altered lymphocytes must be infused on a
regular basis. If a gene derived from bone marrow cells that
produces ADA is injected into cells during the early
embryonic stages, it might lead to a permanent cure.
Molecular Diagnosis: Conventional methods of diagnostics,
such as serum or urine analysis, are incapable of detecting
disease-causing bacteria or viruses early. The following
methods can be used for early diagnosis:
(i) rDNA technology: The method uses the extraction of a
gene, cloning it and then amplifying it by PCR. The
method uses polymerases, ligases, vectors, and hosts.
(ii) PCR : Symptoms of illness develop only after the
pathogen concentration is sufficiently raised.
Amplification of nucleic acid by PCR can identify low
concentrations of bacteria and viruses. The technique
detects gene mutations in cancer patients. In suspected
AIDS patients, PCR is regularly employed to detect HIV.
The PCR method can also be used to detect genetic
disorders also.
(iii) ELISA: The antigen-antibody interaction concept
underpins ELISA. Pathogen infection can be identified
by identifying antigens such as proteins, glycoproteins,
and so on, or by detecting antibodies synthesised
against the pathogen.
Transgenic Animals
Transgenic animals are those that have had their DNA
manipulated in order to possess and express a foreign gene.
There have been transgenic mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, sheep,
cows, and fish developed.
What is the need of creation of transgenic animals?
• To study gene regulation and its effect on normal
functions of the body.
• Understand how the genes contribute to the
development of a disease.
• Transgenic animals help in production of useful
biological products. E.g. human protein (α-1-antitrypsin)
used to treat emphysema.
• The first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced human protein-enriched milk (alpha-lactalbumin – 2.4 gm / litre).
• Such animals are useful in the testing of vaccines before
human trials.
Note: Today transgenic models exist for many human
diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis
and Alzheimer’s.
Note: Transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of the
polio vaccine.
Ethical Issues
The India government has established bodies such as the
GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee) to make
judgements on the legitimacy of GM research and the safety
of integrating GM-organisms into public services.
Biopatent: A patent is government-granted protection that
allows an inventor to restrict others from commercialising
his creation.
Through the US Patent and Trademark Office, an American
corporation obtained patent rights on Basmati rice in 1997.
This ‘new’ variety of Basmati had actually been derived from
Indian farmer’s varieties. Indian Basmati was crossed with
semi-dwarf varieties and claimed as an invention or a
novelty. The patent extends to functional equivalents,
implying that other people selling Basmati rice could be
restricted by the patent. This enabled the business to offer a
"new kind of Basmati" in the United States and elsewhere.
Biopiracy: It is the phrase used to describe the utilisation of
bio-resources by multinational corporations and other
organisations without legal licence from the nations and
people involved and without compensation