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                    ORGANISMS AND POPULATION

Our living world is fascinating diverse and amazingly complex, we can try to understand its complexity by investigating processes at various levels of biological organisation  –macromolecules, cells, tissues, organs, individual organism and population, communities’ ecosystems and biomes.

Ecology: The biology that explores the interactions between organisms and their physical (abiotic) environments is called ecology.

It is vital for maintaining a balance between the growth and preservation of natural environments and biotic ecosystems, the use and protection of resources, and the resolution of local, regional, and global environmental problems. it is basically concerned with four levels of biological organisation: 
1. Organisms 
2. Populations 
3. Communities 
4. Biomes 
Here, we shall look at the organisms and population levels one by one:

Organisms and its Environment Environment: 
The environment is the sum total of all biotic and abiotic stimuli, substances, and situations that surround and possibly impact organisms without becoming a component part of them. Regional and local variations within each biome lead to the formation of a wide variety of habitats.

Physiological ecology: At this level, one seeks to understand how various organisms adapt to their environment in terms of survival and reproduction at the organism level. On planet Earth, life exists not just in a few favourable habitats but even in extreme and harsh habitats – scorching Rajasthan desert, rain-soaked Meghalaya forests, deep ocean trenches, torrential streams, permafrost (snow laden) polar regions, high mountain tops, thermal springs, and stinking compost pits, to name a few. Even our intestine is a unique habitat for hundreds of species of microbes. The factors that lead to their establishment are temperature (intensity, duration) and changes in rainfall patterns.

Biotic components: these components make the habitat and include bacteria, parasites, predators and competitors, interaction among which continuously takes place. Each organism has an invariably defined range of conditions that it can tolerate, diversity in the resources it utilises and a distinct functional role in the ecological system, all these together comprise its niche. 
Abiotic components: the abiotic components are.

 Temperature: it helps in determining a location's bio-mass. The average temperature on the land change frequently from the equator to the poles, as well as from plains to mountain peaks. Enzyme kinetics and basal metabolism, as well as physiological activities in organisms, get influenced by changes in temperature. It ranges from subzero levels in polar areas and high altitudes to >500C in tropical deserts in summer. There are, however, unique habitats such as thermal springs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents where average temperatures exceed 1000 C. It is general knowledge that mango trees do not and cannot grow in temperate countries.

Eurythermal: organisms that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures are called eurythermal. e.g. tigers, cats 

Stenothermal: organisms that can tolerate a narrow range of temperature are called stenothermal. E.g. fish, crocodiles

Euryhaline: organisms that can tolerate a wide range of salinity are called euryhaline. e.g. salmon.

Stenohaline: organisms that can tolerate a narrow range of salinity are called stenohaline. E.g. goldfish 

Light: it is another abiotic factor that is very important for photosynthesis in plants. 

Photoperiodism: when a plant flower in the presence of sunlight then it is called as photoperiodism. Because the sun is the source of both light and land, their availability is inextricably intertwined. The ultraviolet (UV) component of sunlight is detrimental to plants and animals.

Soil: Temperature, weathering processes affects whether the soil is transported or sedimentary, and how the soil has developed. The percolation and water retention capacity of soils are determined by soil composition, grain size, and aggregation, as well as pH, mineral content, and topography. Soil characteristics along with parameters such as pH, mineral composition and topography determine to a large extent the vegetation in any area. This in turn dictates the type of animals that can be supported. Similarly, in the aquatic environment, the sediment-characteristics often determine the type of benthic animals that can thrive there.

Responses to the abiotic factors: Many animals have developed a consistent interior environment to allow all biochemical activities and physiological functions to perform as efficiently as possible in order to maximise species’ fitness. Despite a changing external environment, organisms strive to preserve the consistency of their internal environment, this is called homeostasis. There are several methods of maintaining the internal consistency of the internal environment. Such animals perform the following for homeostasis: 

Regulate: Thermoregulation and osmoregulation are the sources of mammalian success in all environmental situations. Birds and animals are capable of maintaining homeostasis by physiological mechanisms, such as keeping a consistent body temperature and osmotic concentration. In summers, we sweat a lot, this lowers our body temperature. In the winter, we begin to shudder, which is a type of exercise that generates heat and elevates the body temperature. Note: Evolutionary biologists believe that the ‘success’ of mammals is largely due to their ability to maintain a constant body temperature and thrive whether they live in Antarctica or in the Sahara desert. 

Conform: The osmotic concentration of bodily fluid in aquatic animals varies with the osmotic concentration of ambient water. These creatures are known as conformers. They are unable to withstand the metabolic costs associated with maintaining a steady body temperature. Heatloss or gain is proportionalto surface area. Because tiny animals have a bigger surface area compared to their volume, they lose body heat quickly when it is cold outside, requiring them to expend a lot of energy to create body heat through metabolism. This is the primary reason why extremely tiny creatures are uncommon in the polar areas. 

Migrate: The creature moves away from the stressful adverse environment for a period of time and then returns after the stressful phase is ended. E.g. Every winter the famous Keolado National Park (Bharatpur) in Rajasthan host thousands of migratory birds coming from Siberia and other extremely cold northern regions. 

Suspend: Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungus, and lower have thick-walled spores that enable them to survive in harsh settings. When favorable conditions resume, these spores germinate. Higher plants use seeds and other vegetative reproductive structures to tide them over during times of stress and to aid in dissemination. During this latent time, metabolic activity is reduced to a bare minimum. In animals, the organism, if unable to migrate, might avoid the stress by escaping in time. E.g

Hibernation: in such cases, organisms avoid stress by escaping in time. E.g. bears go for rest during winters. 

Aestivation: organisms go into rest period to avoid summerrelated problems like heat and desiccation. E.g. snails and fish. 

Diapause: it is a stage of suspended development. E.g. many zooplankton species.

Adaptations: these are morphological, behavioural and physiological changes that make organisms capable of surviving and reproducing. These adaptations include. 

(i) In the absence of water, kangaroo rats in North American deserts meet their water requirements through internal fat oxidation. It can also concentrate its urine, requiring only a small amount of water to eliminate excretory materials. 

(ii) Many plants have a thick cuticle that resists water loss. CAM plants widen their stomata at night to prevent water loss during photosynthesis. Some desert plants like Opuntia, have no leaves – they are reduced to spines– and the photosynthetic function is taken over by the flattened stems.

 (iii) Colder environment mammals have shorter ears and limbs that help them in reducing heat loss. This is known as Allen's Rule. 

iv) Aquatic mammals such as seals in the polar regions have a thick layer of fat beneath their skin called blubber, which acts as an insulator and decreases heat loss. 

(v) An example is altitude sickness, it is a condition that occurs at higher altitudes and involves symptoms such as nausea, exhaustion, and heart palpitations caused by a lack of oxygen and atmospheric pressure. When an individual progressively adapts to it, he/she stops feeling altitude sickness. 

(vi) A variety of marine invertebrates and fish exist in temperatures that are always less than zero, and some live at tremendous depths in the ocean where pressure is extremely, this is biochemical adaptation. 

(vii) Some creatures, such as desert lizards, lack physiological competence yet cope with extreme temperatures in their environment by behavioural means. They bask in the sun and absorb heat when their body temperature falls below a comfortable level, but they seek cover when the temperature rises.

• Sex ratio: number of males and females in a population 

• Age of a population: individuals of different ages are found in a population. 

Age Pyramid: When the population's age distribution is plotted, the resulting structure is known as age pyramids. The form of pyramids represents the shape of population growth status. The pyramid can be: 
(a) Expanding
 (b) Stable and 
(c) Declining

Population size: it is generally measured in terms of number. Population size, technically called population density (designated as N), need not necessarily be measured in numbers only. Although total number is generally the most appropriate measure of population density, it is in some cases either meaningless or difficult to determine. 

Population growth: The size of a population for any species is not a static parameter. It keeps changing with time, depending on various factors including food availability, predation pressure and adverse weather. The changes throughout time and this depends on food supply, predation pressure, and meteorological conditions, some of the factors that impact population are: 

(a) Natality: it refers to the number of births during a given period to the population that are added to the initial density 

(b) Mortality: it is the number of deaths in the population during a given period of time 

(c) Immigration: it is a number of individuals of the same species that have come into the habitat from elsewhere during the time period under consideration 

(d) Emigration: what is the number of individuals of the population to left the habitat and gone during the time period under consideration. So, if N is the population density at time t then its density at time t +1 will be: Nt+1 = Nt + [ (B + I)] – [ (D +E)] Where: (B + I) is the number of births plus the number of immigrants. (D + E) is the number of deaths plus number of emigrants.

Growth Models: they are of two types:
1. Exponential growth: When enough food and room are available, this type of growth takes place. When resources in the ecosystem are abundant, each species has the capacity to fully realise its natural potential for population growth. The population increases in an exponential or geometric manner. If in a population of size N, the birth rates (not total number but per capita births) are represented as b and death rates (again, per capita death rates) as d, then the increase or decrease in N during a unit time period t (dN/dt) will be. dN/dt = (b-d) x N If we consider (b-d) as r, then dN/dt = rn The above equation describes the exponential or geometric growth pattern of a population which when plotted on a graph comes out to be J-shaped.

Here, r: intrinsic rate of natural increase, it is very important in analyzing the effects of biotic or abiotic factors on population growth.
2. Logistic growth: There is a rivalry for food and space among individuals in a population. The organism that is the most fit lives and reproduces. This form of development begins with a leg phase, followed by acceleration and de-acceleration phases. dN/dt = Rn (K-N/K) Where: N is the population density at time t r: intrinsic rate of natural increase K: carrying capacity.

Population Interaction: In a biological community animal, plants, and bacteria all interact with one another some are helpful, harmful, or neutral to one or both species. Various interaction that are commonly seen are: 

o Mutualism: in this type of interaction both the species are benefitted. The most spectacular and evolutionarily fascinating examples of mutualism are found in plant-animal relationships. In many species of fig trees, there is a tight one-to-one relationship with the pollinator species of wasp. It means that a given fig species can be pollinated only by its ‘partner’ wasp species and no other species. The female wasp uses the fruit not only as an oviposition (egg-laying) site but uses the developing seeds within the fruit for nourishing its larvae. The wasp pollinates the fig inflorescence while searching for suitable egglaying sites. In return for the favour of pollination the fig offers the wasp some ofits developing seeds, as food for the developing wasp larvae. Orchids show a bewildering diversity of floral patterns many of which have evolved to attract the right pollinator insect (bees and bumblebees) and ensure guaranteed pollination by it (Figure 13.8). Not all orchids offer rewards. The Mediterranean orchid Ophrys employs ‘sexual deceit’ to get pollination done by a species of bee. One petal of its flower bears an uncanny resemblance to the female of the bee in size, colour and markings. The male bee is attracted to what it perceives as a female, ‘pseudocopulates’ with the flower, and during that process is dusted with pollen from the flower. When this same bee ‘pseudocopulates’ with another
flower, it transfers pollen to it and thus, pollinates the flower. Other eaxmples include, Lichen (fungi and algae), Mycorrhizae ( fungi and the roots of higher plants).

 o Amensalism: an interaction in which one species is harmed and the other one has no effect. E.g. when we culture bacteria, colonies appear on it, and after some time we can also see fungal colonies growing on it, these fungal colonies secrete some chemical that destroys bacterial colonies while fungus has no effect. 

o Commensalism: This is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited. E.g An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch, and barnacles growing on the back of a whale benefit while neither the mango tree nor the whale derives any apparent benefit. The cattle egret and grazing cattle in close association, a sight you are most likely to catch if you live in farmed rural areas, is a classic example of commensalism. Another example is an the interaction between sea anemone that has stinging tentacles and the clown fish that lives among them. The fish gets protection from predators which stay away from the stinging tentacles. The anemone does not appear to derive any benefit by hosting the clown fish.

 o Predation: here an animal kills another weak animal, it is an interspecific type of interaction. Predators help in the transfer of energy from plants to higher trophic levels, they help in controlling the Prey population, they also help in biological control of Agricultural pests, they maintain species diversity by reducing the intensity of competition among species that are in competition. Besides acting as ‘conduits’ for energy transfer across trophic levels, predators play other important roles. They keep prey populations under control. Some plants have developed chemical defences to protect themselves from predation like, the presence of thorns in Cactus and Acacia, Calotropis produces chemicals and some plants produce nicotine, caffeine, quinine and opium to protectthemselves from grazing animals. Predators also help in maintaining species diversity in a community, by reducing the intensity of competition among competing prey species. In the rocky intertidal communities of the American Pacific Coast the starfish Pisaster is an important predator.

 o Parasitism: here, one species depends on the other for food, and shelter and in such cases the host that is providing food and shelter is harmed. In accordance with their life styles, parasites evolved special adaptations such as the loss of unnecessary sense organs, presence of adhesive organs or suckers to cling on to the host, loss of digestive system and high reproductive capacity. The life cycles of parasites are often complex, involving one or two intermediate hosts or vectors to facilitate the parasitisation of its primary host. The human liver fluke (a trematode parasite) depends on two intermediate hosts (a snail and a fish) to complete its life cycle. The malarial parasite needs a vector (mosquito) to spread to other hosts. Majority of the parasites harm the host; they may reduce the survival, growth and reproduction of the host and reduce its population density A parasite can be an ectoparasite (lice in human head, ticks on dogs) and endoparasite ( Plasmodium and liver fluke). 

o Competition: it may occur between organisms of same species or unrelated species also. E.g competition between flamingo and fish for zooplanktons.

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