Light Pollution


Pollution means presence of anything in the system which is not naturally found in that or presence in unproportionate manner. It is the process of making the environment land water and air dirty by adding harmful substance to it which causes imbalance in the environment.
Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development & the green revolution have adversely affected the environment. Day by day pollution has been increasing & imbalance has threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It is threat to the whole world. People have converted the life supporting system of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. It is defined as the unfavourable alteration of our surroundings. In India allay the source of water lie rivers lakes ponds and wells have been polluted and are unfit for drinking. As a result of the increased use of fertilizers, the rivers seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants. Pollution is a product of people activities which directly or indirectly  responsible for the changes in environment. All changes in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of land, air, or water than harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialisation deforestation unplanned urbanization scientific and technological advancement. 

Pollution occurs in different forms like air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat, light. All forms of pollution have two sources of matter like point and non-point sources. The point sources are easy to find while the non-point sources are hard to find and hard to control. 

Sun light is the major source of light on earth, although sunlight also not good for us if it comes to us without passing by ozone. What I am saying is that the sun light contains UV, Infrared and other Magnetic Rays which are harmful to us they are filtered by Ozone layer and our environment to protect us.  But are you sure we are not contaminating our visible light inside our environment,  yes we are! 
The amount and type of light coming  to earth and most of them are deflected back by earth's atmosphere
Here I am not talking about the harmful light coming from sun, I am discussing about the light which is present on earth and how we are making it uncomfortable for living organisms. 

Pollution of Light 

It occurs due to prominent excess illumination of an area. It is largely visible in big cities, on bill boards, in sports or entertainment events at the night. In residential areas the lives of the inhabitants are greatly affected by this. It also affects the astronomical observations and activities by making the stars almost invisible. Bright lightning in the function, big cities, etc. causes light pollution. Light pollution is also known as photo-pollution, it is the presence of anthropogenic light in the night environment. Light pollution occurs at night and is obtrusive, inappropriate or excessive artificial light. Component of light pollution are: Urban sky glow which is the brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas; Light trespass, when light falls where it is not intended or not to fall, visual discomfort caused by excessive brightness and high levels can decrease visibility; light sources which are bright and excessive. These light sources can be found in  urban areas.
It is the brightening of the night sky and it diminishes the view of stars and planets.


  • Large cities
  • Billboards and advertising
  • Night time sporting events and other night time entertainment


  • Degrade the quality of life
  • Discomfort in the eyes


  • Work with your neighbours and local government to keep the light on the ground and the skies natural
  • Use light emitting diodes (LED)
  • Use only the light you need to get the job done

Health Effects of Unwanted light 💡 

Generally the visible light do not have an enormous effects on human health, but when its intensity increases it corrodes the retina of the eye.  Some people feel eye dryness due to using modern smart phones as their eyes are more exposed to the high intensity light over long time. Unfortunately there is no permanent cure for dry eyes.  
The other lights like UV, Infrared, Gama etc.  have negative impact on body and can be seen easily. 
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